Saturday, February 7, 2009

Wall Family Farm, North Dakota

~~Thank you to Lydia Wiebe Reimer and Rosalie Reimer Carter for sharing this photo from their collection~~

Wall Children, Late 1890's

Back Row: Elizabeth, Mary & Wilhelmina (Minnie) in matching dresses
Middle: Margaret & Abraham
Sitting: Jacob Wall, Abe & Frank Buller (friends)

~~Thank you to Sheryl Carter Curry for sharing this photo~~

Cornelius & Anna Richert Wall, 1920's

Cornelius & Anna on the front porch of their home in Orland, California. Photo taken in the early 1920's.
(On the 1920 Census Cornelius & Anna were living in Lamb, Texas -- Cornelius died in 1926)

~~Thank you to Sheryl Carter Curry for sharing this photo~~

Cornelius Abraham Wall, 1851-1926

~~Thank you to Sheryl Carter Curry for sharing this photo~~

Anna Richert Wall, 1854-1940

~~Thank you to Sheryl Carter Curry for sharing this photo~~